Volunteers and sponsors wanted! Here are some ways that you can help:
.Share news and events within your network .Help with us with the website .Add announcements to your organization's website .Spread the word among friends .Attend the picnic and bring family or friends -Consider hosting another type of event (a Friendship Tea, Potluck, etc.)
CURRENT SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS: *1OneCommunity *AALR (Asserting Achievement, Literacy & Resiliency) *AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois *Anti-Racism Task Force Northern Illinois Conference *Backyard Caucus Elmhurst *Breakthough Results, Inc. *Come Unity for One Community *DuPage Association of Volunteer Administration *DuPage Immigrant IL Citizens for Race Amity Day *NAACP DuPage Chapter *Pizza and Social Justice The Amos Project *Xilin Association and others!
To volunteer email us at: ILCIT4RAD@comcast.net TODAY!