04 Mar

Naperville, IL (March 25, 2024).  Race Amity Day will serve to encourage us to take this next step in the path from diversity through inclusion and equity to amity in its true spirit.  It is a starting point to further action.

Race Amity Day originated in May, 1921, in Washington, DC, with a multi-racial, interfaith gathering titled Convention for Amity held in the first Congregational Church.  Race Amity Day has continued throughout the years  Currently, it is coordinated by the National Center for Race Amity (www.Raceamity.org).  Their purpose is to assist and support proclamations by state and local governments of the concept of Race Amity.

The National Center for Race Amity states that "race relations will not substantially improve unless the public discourse on race moves beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity, and collaboration." --Source:  National Center for Race Amity website

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